What is the difference between a Travel Coach and Travel Advisor?
Travel Advisors have the expertise and networks to know which hotels, resorts, and tour guides would work best for you. Their intention is to enrich your trip with unique encounters, bespoke to your interests that you would never find on your own. They’ll also be there to iron out complications that might occur along the way. Travel advisors often have access to special fares, discounts and perks, such as complimentary upgraded room or cabin categories, free breakfasts, and VIP treatment. Travel advisors often have special qualifications and access to booking systems and earn commission on the cost of the trip.
On the other hand…
A Travel Coach doesn’t concentrate on the booking phase of a trip. Instead, we help people set intentions for their trip, better understand why they want to get away, and use travel as a medium, or a tool, for things like transformation, healing, connection, self-discovery, clarity, education, relocation, or any other personal or professional goal a client may have.
Through resources, development, and training in the fundamentals of coaching, travel coaches use powerful questioning, active listening, a safe environment, empathy, effective communication, empowerment, accountability, creating awareness, and other coach-specific techniques to better understand their clients needs and to be able to destination and experience-match.
Travel coaching is a full methodology to encourage travellers in realizing their travel ambitions, delivering more gratifying and accomplishing journeys, and amplifying their overall travel experience. It goes beyond traditional travel planning, focusing on personal growth, self-discovery, education, empowerment, and enhancing the overall travel experience for clients.
A travel coach aims to guide, educate, and inspire travellers to make informed decisions, overcome obstacles, and create memorable journeys, ultimately transforming lives for the better.
As an example, a travel coach may have their ideal clients be women 50+ who are at a crossroads in their life. They are an empty nester, they are ready for a new type of career, and maybe they are divorced or widowed. They are itching for the courage to find confidence to live a life of adventure, gain clarity on their next steps in life, and find happiness again. You as the travel coach understand this about them and empower them to go on a solo adventure to Italy and live their own Under the Tuscan Sun journey. You help them become aware of why they are feeling how they are feeling and what kind of experience can help them reach their goals or have the outcomes in life that they seek.
Would you like to become an impactful travel coach who changes people’s lives?
Become a certified travel coach with the first and only ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited international certification program for travel coaches.