It’s Time to start living your Dream life

Would you like to live in a self-determined community that strives for self-sufficiency in necessary areas of life, but above all lives the principles of personal responsibility, and liberty? Discover the potential within and unlock your freedom with my relocation travel coaching programs!

lady sitting to the side by water and another image of hiking up a hill

I can help you overcome the fears and obstacles in deciding where to move.

Globe with a plane flying over it

About Me

Hi liberty seeker! My name is Charlotte Tweed and I am an experienced expat. I will help you find a home where you can have freedom and live in a community of like-minded people. There is hope. The countries and the communities you seek are out there and I am the one who will help you find them.

Charlotte Tweed

Charlotte Tweed – Relocation Travel Coach

Change your life with Relocation Travel Coaching

Smiling woman standing on a bridge
Sessions 1:1

The most effective way to collaborate with me is a 1:1 session. You will be guided and mentored by me throughout the decision, relocation, and integration process. I will help you find a home where you can have freedom.

Sunset on a sandy beach
Destination Programs

There are many unique options for alternative lifestyles out there and many freedom seekers do not know where they are. I will educate you on these destinations and together we will find the best place for you.

Lady dancing
Integration Reset

Adjusting to a new a new lifestyle in a different country comes with challenges you may not expect. I understand what it's like to relocate and integrate into a new country successfully. I'll help you adjust and integrate into your new destination.

An open gate in a fortress that two young people have walked through
Globe with a plane flying over it

What Do You Want?

  • Are you ready to take control of your life and escape the chaos you see unfolding around you?
  • Are you tired of settling for where you are no longer happy and not achieving your big dreams?
  • Are you in need of guidance and inspiration to help you find and reach your relocation goals?

If so, you've come to the right place. It's time to become the liberated version of yourself and make real change happen.

Let’s Start Together!


business people sitting at a table
International Connections

Three years meeting with international lawyers, real estate developers, bankers, consultants, and CEOs.

lady standing by a river looking over her shoulder
Immersion In 18 Countries

Developed and implemented a unique relocation travel coaching program that combines education, visitation, relocation, and integration.

hands typing on a keyboard
6 Years Working Remotely

Including invaluable experience as a managing editor for an expat publication with a focus on lifestyle, travel, freedom, and migration.

World globe with an airplane flying over top

Blog Posts

Words from my Associates

Liberty Travel Coach 3 Step Relocation Program

Step 1: Destination & Experience Matching
  • 1:1 monthy coaching sessions
  • Email support between sessions
  • Personalized action plan
  • Mid-program progress review
  • Get to know liberty destinations
  • Maximum 3 destinations/month

Step 2: Intentional Visitation & Discovery
  • 1:1 monthly coaching sessions
  • Personalized trip action plan
  • Visit your favourite liberty destinations
  • Email support between sessions
  • Mid-trip progress review

Step 3: Post-Trip Implementation Elixir
  • 1:1 monthly coaching sessions
  • Email support between sessions
  • Personalized action plan
  • Resources to nurture exploration
  • Personalized relocation action plan

Signature Liberty Relocation Package

Coaching is offered through the residency, relocation, and integration into the new community process. The transformation has happened to remove the fear of moving away from home and to another country because connections have been made and there is now a sense of adventure, excitement, and hope for the future.

highway trees and sunrays

My Bestseller Book

Unlock the key to freedom with this life-changing epic journey. What would you do if, at the pinnacle of a career you adored, you were laid off? Follow my journey as I was flung into the no-womans-land of debt and unemployment—I didn’t hide under the covers. I reinvented my life through travel!

Roam free book cover